Tag:Indian Institute of Technology – IIT Delhi,Top 10 Engineering Colleges in India 2017,Top engineering colleges in India, 2017 best 10 engineering colleges in India,Indias best engineering colleges 2017,engineering colleges top 10 in 2017
Indian Institute of Technology – IIT Delhi
Vision, Mission, Values
Vision:To contribute to India and the World through excellence in scientific and technical education and research; to serve as a valuable resource for industry and society; and remain a source of pride for all Indians.
Mission:To generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research and to promote academic growth by offering state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes.
To identify, based on an informed perception of Indian, regional and global needs, areas of specialization upon which the institute can concentrate.
To undertake collaborative projects which offer opportunities for long-term interaction with academia and industry.
To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that intellectually capable and imaginatively gifted leaders can emerge in a range of professions.
Academic integrity and accountability.
Respect and tolerance for the views of every individual.
Attention to issues of national relevance as well as of global concern.
Breadth of understanding, including knowledge of the human sciences.
Appreciation of intellectual excellence and creativity.
An unfettered spirit of exploration, rationality and enterprise.
Undergraduate Courses
PG Courses
Research Areas in Various Departments/Centres/Schools
- Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology [Code ANZ]
- Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management [Code BSZ]
- Centre for Applied Research in Electronics [Code CRZ]
- Centre for Atmospheric Sciences [Code ASZ]
- Centre for Biomedical Engineering [Code BMZ]
- Centre for Energy Studies [Code ESZ]
- Centre for Polymer Science & Engineering [Code PTZ]
- Centre for Rural Development and Technology [Code RDZ]
- Department of Applied Mechanics [Code AMZ]
- Department of Biochemical Engg. & Biotechnology [Code BEZ]
- Department of Chemical Engineering [Code CHZ]
- Department of Chemistry [Code CYZ]
- Department of Civil Engineering [Code CEZ]
- Department of Computer Science & Engineering [Code CSZ]
- Department of Electrical Engineering [Code EEZ]
- Department of Humanities & Social Sciences [Code HUZ]
- Department of Management Studies [Code SMZ]
- Department of Mathematics [Code MAZ]
- Department of Mechanical Engineering [Code MEZ]
- Department of Physics [Code PHZ]
- Department of Textile Technology [Code TTZ]
- Industrial Tribology, Machine Dynamics & Maintenance Engineering Centre [Code ITZ]
- Instrument Design & Development Centre [Code IDZ]
- National Resource Centre for Value Education in Engineering [NRZ]
- Opto-Electronics and Optical Communication Programme [Code OEZ]
- School of Biological Sciences [Code BLZ]
- Transportation Research & Injury Prevention Programme [Code TRZ]
For more and updated information you are requested to visit source: http://academics.iitd.ac.in