Apply for Mukhyamantri Medhabi Chhatra Protsahan Yojana- Higher Education for the Year 23-24 (e-Medhabrut, Gopabandhu Sikhya Sahayata Yojana,Vyasakabi Fakirmohan Bhasabruti) for AY 2023-24 up to 31.12.2023
Higher Education Department is now inviting online applications of ” Mukhyamantri Medhabi Chhatra Protsahan Yojana- Higher Education for the Year 23-24 (e-Medhabruti, Gopabandhu Sikhya Sahayata Yojana,Vyasakabi Fakirmohan Bhasabruti). Eligible GENERAL/ST/SC/OBC/SEBC/EBC students are requested to register and apply for scholarship by 31.12.2023 positively.
Apply for Student Level – 02.12.2023 = 31.12.2023
Institute level Validation – 02.12.2023 = 15.01.2024
Distrct (DWO) level Validation for GSSY Scheme – 02.12.2023D = 31.1.2024