2024 PEP Research Fellowship: Call for Applications

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Call for Applications: 2024 PEP Research Fellowship

The PEP (Poverty and Economic Policy) organization is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 2024 PEP Research Fellowship. We are inviting researchers who are based in low- and middle-income countries to apply and join our organization as PEP Research Fellows.

About PEP

PEP is a leading international network of researchers and policy analysts dedicated to promoting the use of evidence-based research in poverty reduction and economic policy. Our organization aims to provide opportunities for researchers from developing countries to contribute to policy debates and decision-making processes.

Benefits of the PEP Research Fellow

As a PEP Research Fellow, you will have access to a range of benefits and opportunities, including:

  • Participation in capacity-building workshops and training programs
  • Access to PEP’s extensive network of researchers and policy experts
  • Opportunities to collaborate on research projects with international partners
  • Support and mentorship from experienced researchers
  • Potential funding for research projects

Application Deadline

The application deadline for the 2024 PEP Research Fellows is June 15, 2024. Please ensure that your application is submitted before this date to be considered for the fellowship.

For more information and to apply, please visit our website at https://www.pep-net.org/news/call-applications-2024-pep-research-fellowship. We look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you to the PEP research community.